ocr: Final Writer - Release 2-1 Beta I a superMacrosDOCS.Finalwnter - Main (Body) DD - db 1 B A4B B l B P #A *A TT TT TT D PT D D S E E E iE FFE F- 524 T AJ KI VI ol E M 2 The following exomple shows how the data entered on the left, will be used to automatically create thel bargiaph shown on the right. Note the use of the <tab> keyfiom the third Ineandonwand. Exomple: 4 Our Top Sellers! Our Top Sellers! Third Quaiter 1997 Third. Quorer 1997 Salesperson Autos Sold Sally 15 Mark 12 25 Ji 18 U A 20 13 21 Steve 11 - Nancy 8 S o 15 15 13 13 15 Rich 11 S 10 11 e 11 19 Nick 21 - 8 lU Dave 6 a 5 Mary 13 S ...